Scott Rees is a British Actor best know for “Out for a Vengeance” he is also a former British Soldier now starting to make transition into acting.

Here is our exclusive interview with Scott Rees
Have you liked acting since childhood?
I wasn’t really a dramatic child growing up and never thought I’d be doing what I am now, but always thought it would be an amazing career if I ever did it!
Did you take up any training in acting?
Not prior to being approached no, it came out of nowhere so I grabbed the opportunity with both hands, but now working in the industry I do attend acting workshops and stunt classes yes.

Who is your inspiration as an actor?
Such a hard one to answer.. so many! As a kid Bruce Lee & Jean-Claude Van Damme but today I’d probably go with Gerard Butler or Tom Hardy, I do love Scott Adkins work also!
Do you have any dream roles that you want to portray?
My dream is to star in a big Hollywood movie one day. I’ve played a hitman role and loved it more than that role in bigger movies in Hollywood.

How does it feel to be a star?
Right now I wouldn’t really class myself as a star growing in the industry but I guess meeting strangers at promotional events etc or strangers in the streets whilst filming asking for your picture or autograph is a great buzz! Awesome!
Are there things you want to do other than acting?
Yes I’d love to spend more time learning martial arts & stunts.
What is your strength as an actor?
Probably action, anything to do with running about fighting, or shooting weapon systems.. the military drilled that into me I guess.
When did you first realize that you want to work in the entertainment industry?
The moment I saw people on set whilst I was working a security shift overseas on a movie set was definitely the moment I thought.. that looks awesome I need to give it a go!
How difficult is it to establish yourself in the film industry?
It is a hard industry to grow in, there’s so much competition when it comes to applying for certain roles, especially if you have a popular look being heavily tattooed like myself with it being so popular these days, sometimes you can have luck on your side by knowing people you’ve worked with in the past and then other times it comes down to hard graft, dedication and determination, it’s not easy but I think that’s what makes it so rewarding when getting accepted
Scott Rees Social Media Accounts:
IG: @scottreesactor
Twitter: ScottReesActor
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